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Welcome to the PowerHouse!
Did you know there are over 1.2k brands launching PER DAY?
How do these brands stick out in a saturated marketing?
In a world of instant gratification, booming social and digital worlds, and the circulating buzz word...."Sustainability", how can I launch my brand?
We are discussing the real and ugly truth around creating your products and packaging! We will talk with industry leaders of many facets to share insights and what's happening in the market.
That's why Product & Packaging Powerhouse™ was help level the playing for growing and evolving brands no matter the size.
Megan Young Gamble
"The Project ExecutionHER®"
Host of Product & Packaging Powerhouse™,
Chief Project Officer @ GLC,
Chief Operations Officer @ Pallet Pros,
Digital Trainings available Accelerate Level Inst.,